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Course Syllabi — Fall 2021

Every course syllabus must fully conform to the UF Syllabus Policy  in pdf.

Click on linked section number for syllabus in PDF – Updates will be done at beginning of semester.

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Course Course Title Linked Section
FOL6943 Romance Language Teaching Methods 18G6
HUM2424 African Cultures and Literatures 02F0
LIT2000 Introduction to Literature 0066 / 0088 / 0077
SSA3730 Language in African Society 3580
SSA4905 Beginning Zulu 1 2A82 / 2C82
SSA4905 Intermediate Zulu 1 3E31
SSA4930 Special Topics: Introduction to Film and Visual Culture 3579


Course Course Title Linked Section
AKA1130 Beginning Akan 1 2AKA / 3AKA
AKA2200 Intermediate Akan 1 045G
AKA3410 Advanced Akan 1 9AA3


Course Course Title Linked Section
AHM1130 Beginning Amharic 1 05AB / 05CD


Course Course Title Linked Section
ABT3500 Arabic Culture 7509 / 6214 / 2R12
ARA1130 Beginning Arabic 1 7509 / 6214 / 7509 / ARA1
ARA2220 Intermediate Arabic 1 1854 / 8055
ARA3410 Advanced Arabic 1 1859
ARA3510 The Arab Woman 1B10 / 1B12
ARA4850 Structure of Standard Arabic 13B5
ARA4930 Special Topics: Arabic Translation 2R13


Course Course Title Linked Section
CHI1130 Beginning Chinese 1 019F / 1219 / 1960 / 2085
CHI1131 Beginning Chinese 2 081C
CHI2230 Intermediate Chinese 1 16C5 / 2128
CHI2231 Intermediate Chinese 1 16C6
CHI3410 Advanced Chinese 1 1393
CHI4050 Fourth-Year Chinese 1 4CHI
CHI4850 Structure of Chinese 1340
CHT3110 Chinese Literary Heritage 222F
CHT3123 Pre-Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation 3C23
CHT3513 Taoism and Chinese Culture 287H
CHW4120 Classical Chinese 085D


Course Course Title Linked Section
CZE1130 Introduction to Czech Language and Culture 1 092E


Course Course Title Linked Section
FRE1130 Beginning French 1 0055 / 0848 / 1332 / 4161 / 4F62 / 4H62
FRE1131 Beginning French 2 1474 / 7763
FRE1134 Accelerated French Review 006A / 15HF
FRE2220 Intermediate French 1 046G / 046H
FRE2221 Intermediate French 2 047B / 13C9
FRE3300 French Grammar and Composition 3039 / 3415
FRE3320 French Composition and Stylistics 1993 / 3437
FRE3410 French Conversation and Interaction 01C5
FRE3564 Contemporary French Culture 04C6
FRE4411 French for Proficiency 05C7
FRE4780 French Phonetics and Phonology 2924
FRE6785 French Phonetics and Phonology 2925
FRT3561 Women in French Literature and Cinema 2927
FRW3100 Introduction to French Literature 1 1207
FRW4273 Readings in 18th-Century Literature 1209
FRW4552 Realism and Naturalism 293A
FRW6556 Realism and Naturalism 293B
FRW6715 Readings in 18th-Century Literature 12D9


Course Course Title Linked Section
GER1125 Discover German 1 14B6 / 1C00 / 1C99 / 1C01 / 1D99
GER1130 Beginning Intensive German 1 05DF / 1636 / 2901 / 3543
GER2200 Intermediate German 1 2389
GER3330 German Language and Culture 1 33G3
GET3200 Medieval Literature and Culture 1F42 / 1F43 / 1F44
GEW4401 Cities as Culture Centers 3C21 / 3C22 / 3C23

Haitian Creole

Course Course Title Linked Section
HAI1130 Beginning Haitian Creole 1 8519 / 8520
HAI1131 Beginning Haitian Creole 2 048F
HAI2200 Intermediate Haitian Creole 1 8521
HAT3564 Haitian Culture and Society 1420
JMT3500 Jamaican Creole, Reggae, and Rastafari 0709


Course Course Title Linked Section
HBR1130 Beginning Modern Hebrew 1 1962 / 1963 / 1995
HBR2220 Intermediate Modern Hebrew 1 5130
HBR3410 Advanced Modern Hebrew 1 1390


Course Course Title Linked Section
ITA1130 Beginning Italian 1 2B54 / 4126 / 4210 / 4265
ITA1131 Beginning Italian 2 146G / 4266
ITA2220 Intermediate Italian 1 2841 / 5596
ITA2221 Beginning Italian 2 05CC
ITA3420 Italian Grammar and Composition 1 1381
ITT3700 Holocaust in Italy 29CB
ITW3500 Boccaccio’s Decameron 3510
ITW4330 Modern Italian Poetry 43I3


Course Course Title Linked Section
JPN1130 Beginning Japanese 1 0556 / 18A6 / 2033 / 2363 / 6022
JPN2230 Intermediate Japanese 1 127C / 4011 / 9014
JPN3410 Advanced Japanese 1 4840 / 4841
JPN3730 Language in Japanese Society 8J37
JPT3100 Tales of Kyoto 18BE
JPT3140 Modern Women Writers 31J4
JPT3500 Japanese Culture 1883
JPW4130 Reading Japanese Literature 3566


Course Course Title Linked Section
KOR1130 Beginning Korean 1 12D2 / 17H8

Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Course Course Title Linked Section
MEM3300 Castles and Cloisters 1062 / 2F49 / 2F59
MEM3931 Pre-Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation 086H
MEM3931 Taoism and Chinese Culture 07CE


Course Course Title Linked Section
POL1130 Polish Language and Culture 1 5522 / 5524 / 5523 / 5525
POL2220 Intermediate Polish 1 29HH


Course Course Title Linked Section
RUS1130 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 1 0882 / 14B8 / 14B9 / 11R3
RUS2220 Intermediate Russian 1 6558 / 8129
RUS3240 Oral Practice in Russian 2A83
RUS4000 Advanced Russian 1 29BG
RUS4501 Russian Research Seminar 03C4
RUT3441 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky 34T1
RUT3442 Themes in Russian Literature: Russian Jews RUT2
RUT3452 Russian Literature in the 20th Century 03C5 / 03C6
RUT3504 Russia Today 2959 / 296C
RUT3514 Russian Fairy Tales 35F4
RUW4370 Russian Short Prose 43R7


Course Course Title Linked Section
SWA1130 Beginning Swahili 1 0445 / 0556 / 0446 / 7C32
SWA2200 Intermediate Swahili 1 3682
SWA3410 Advanced Swahili 1 1C89 / 1D90


Course Course Title Linked Section
VTN1130 Beginning Vietnamese 1 29H3
VTN 2220 Intermediate Vietnamese 1 29H8


Course Course Title Linked Section
WOL1130 Beginning Wolof 1 17ED / 17DE
WOL2200 Intermediate Wolof 1 17EF


Course Course Title Linked Section
YOR1130 Beginning Yoruba 1 0461 / 0462
YOR2200 Intermediate Yoruba 1 17D9