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Vietnamese Studies Minor

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15-22 credits, depending on Option 1 or 2 below, and completed with minimum grades of C.

The Vietnamese Studies track within theĀ Asian Studies minor provides two options of study. Language credits earned at other institutions may be accepted. Students pursuing the major in East Asian Languages and Literatures are not eligible to receive the minor in Asian studies.

Of the total credits, no more than three may be individual study (CHI/JPN/VTN 4905). Students must complete a minimum of six credits of coursework exclusive to the minor that cannot count toward the major(s) or other minors.

Option 1

(15 credits)

  • Non-language Asia-related courses, 3000/4000 level, including VTT3500 Vietnamese Culture and/or VTN4930 Structure of Vietnamese.

Option 2

(10 credits of language courses and 12 credits of non-language Asia-related courses at the 3000/4000 level)

  • CHI 1130 and 1131 Beginning Chinese 1 and 2, or
  • JPN 1130 and 1131 Beginning Japanese 1 and 2, or
  • VTN 1130 and 1131 Beginning Vietnamese 1 and 2
  • Non-language Asia-related courses, 3000/4000 level, including VTT3500 Vietnamese Culture and/or VTN4930 Structure of Vietnamese.