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Foreign Languages and Literatures Major

The B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures (FLL) provides students with a knowledge of a specific language (or languages) and advanced familiarity with the cultural practices and traditions associated with the language(s) of specialization.

The major allows students the flexibility to explore a single or dual language track option and the opportunity to study culture through interdisciplinary fields of critical concentration, including: Intensive Area Studies, Comparative Cultural StudiesFilm and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, and Medieval and Early Modern Studies

We offer specializations in Arabic, Chinese, Dual Language*, French & Francophone, German, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Italian, JapaneseRussian, Vietnamese, and African languages (Akan, Amharic, Swahili, Wolof, Yoruba, and Zulu).

Participation in UF study abroad programs or a UF approved program is highly encouraged.

*FDU Guidelines

Students interested in the Dual Languages specialization must meet with the Undergraduate Coordinators of the languages they have selected and complete this form (Word or pdf) as a first step in the application process.

SPRING Critical Concentration Courses