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Support the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

As home to the majority of the language and literature programs on campus, the LLC endorses the premise that to learn another language is to step into another world. By donating to the LLC you help us to:

  • Conduct research at the graduate and faculty level in the languages, literatures and cultures of the world
  • Facilitate the study of languages, literatures and cultures at the undergraduate level in such a way that students actively engage with this field of knowledge
  • Connect North American and international perspectives on academic endeavors in the humanities, and to maintain an international voice and presence at the University of Florida
  • Promote the integrity of our component academic fields and to support the vitality of each of the programs housed in the department

Private support of the department makes it possible to provide the very best learning environment for our students. Research, scholarships, study abroad awards, faculty and student conference travel support, and other special projects are made possible by the financial commitment of alumni and friends.

Support at all levels – from annual gifts to the establishment of endowed chairs and funds, which afford a legacy for the donor and perpetual funding for the department – provides the resources we need to help our students embark upon the transformative process of learning a new language and experiencing the literature and culture of peoples around the world.

You can give online to the Languages, Literatures and Cultures Fund which provides financial support for scholarships, undergraduate and graduate research projects, merit awards for faculty and students, study abroad support and other special projects.

To learn more about how to support the Department with gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or through various planned giving options, please contact Christy Popwell, Director of Development at (352) 294-1964 or e-mail at

Gifts to the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures are held at the UF Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 organization. Your gift may be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction.

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Christy Popwell | Director of Development | 352.294.1964 |