Professor of Vietnamese Language and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Toronto, Canada
- 343 Pugh Hall
- 352.392.7084
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Office Hours — Spring 2025
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Biography and Areas of Interest
Andrea Pham has been at UF since 2002. Her research interests include Vietnamese phonology, sound change, and language and gender. Her works cover various dialects of Vietnamese. She has published poems and translated a linguistic book and a bilingual poetry book.
Selected Publications
- (in press) Nguồn gốc và sự hình thành giọng Quảng Nam – Quang Nam phonology and sound change through contact. 2nd edition. Danang city: Danang Publishing House.
- 2023. Thanh điệu tiếng Việt – một phân tích mới (translated from English to Vietnamese “Vietnamese tone – a New Analysis” Pham 2003, Routledge). Ho Chi Minh City: Dan Tri and Khai Tam Publisher.
- 2022. Nguồngốc và sựhình thành giọng Quảng Nam-Quang Nam phonology and soundchange through contact. 2nd printing, written in Vietnamese with Table of Contents and English summary for each chapter. Danang city: Danang Publishing House.
- 2018. Hãy nhảy cùng em – Dance with me. Bilingual collection of Pham, A. H. and Lola Haskins’ poems, translated from Vietnamese to English and English to Vietnamese by A. H. Pham, English adaptation by L. Haskins. Danang City: Danang Publishing House.
- 2003. Vietnamese Tone: A New Analysis, New York: Routledge.
- 1997. Tieng Me (Mother’s Voice), collection of poems. Toronto.
Book chapter, Journal articles
- “Ngôn ngữ học Lịch sử và giọng Quảng Nam” [Historical Linguistics and Quang Nam Phonology]. Journal of Sciences, 3: 2(10), pp. 108-119. Danang city: Dong A University Press.
- “Về phụ âm xát môi-môi ở thổ ngữ Kênh Thuỷ, Thanh Hoá” [On the voiced bilabial approximant in Kenh Thuy subdialect of Thanh Hoá]. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Trends of Modern Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied”, organized by the University of Foreign Languages on December 2, 2023. Hanoi, pp. 913-923.
- Pham, A. H.& Mark Alves. “Vietnamese onomatopoeia”. In Onomatopoeia in the World languages, published in Mouton de Gruyter’s prestigious series Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics (CHL), edited by Edith Moravcsik and Andrej Malchukov, pp. 331-344.
- “Về việc tiếng Việt có 6 hay 8 thanh và ích lợi gì trong đời sống” [The issue of a six-tone or eight-tone system in Vietnamese and implications], In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture]. January 1.
- “Giọng Vĩnh Thịnh trên báo chí và sự thật từ tư liệu” [Vinh Thinh dialects in published essays and the truth from fieldwork data”. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine. August 27.
- “Synchronic evidence for diachronic hypothesis: Vietnamese palatals” In LACUS (Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States), FORUM 39: 215-233.
- “Kỳ thị giới tính qua việc dùng cặp từ xưng hô anh-em” [Gender discrimination through the use of address terms “anh-em” among couples]. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine. Dec 3.
- “Quang Nam phonology” In Khoa học và Phát triển [Sciences and Developments] magazine, Special Issue. Pp. 61-100. Danang city, September issue.
- “Ngôn ngữ kỳ thị” [Discriminating Language]. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], a special issue of Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine, August 31.
- “Poetry Translation from a Tonal Language (Vietnamese) to a Non-tonal Language (English)”, Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature, Vol. 35:2, pp. 128-140. University of Florida Press.
- “Productive Reduplication in Southern Vietnamese”, Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (JSEAL) 13:2, pp. i-x. (with Andrew Anh Pham).
- “Contact-induced change and the phonemicization of the vowel /a/ in Quang Nam Vietnamese”. In Historical Linguistics 2017, Bridget Drinka (ed.), pp. 432-451. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Pham, A.H. & Andrew Pham. “Sociolinguistic variation in attitudes to pronoun use among couples in southern Vietnam – a statistical analysis”. In Enfield, N., Sidnell, J., & Zuckerman, C. (eds.) The Anthropology of Language in Mainland Southeast Asia. Hawaii: Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, pp. 111-121.
- “Vietnamese dialects – A case of sound change through contact” Duffel, Nigel, Trang Phan and Tue Trinh (eds.) Interdisciplinary perspectives in Vietnamese Linguistics, pp. 31-66. Amsterdam
Courses Taught
- LIN 3201 Sounds of Human Language
- VTN 1130: Beginning Vietnamese 1
- VTN 1131: Beginning Vietnamese 2
- VTN 2220: Intermediate Vietnamese 1
- VTN 2221: Intermediate Vietnamese 2
- VTT 3500: Vietnamese Culture
- VTN 4905: Independent Study
- VTN 4930: Special Topics in Vietnamese Studies
- LIN 4930 / LIN 6571: Structure of Vietnamese