Program Terms
- 1 year, 1 semester (fall), or summer (summer C).
- Shimane University fall semester: October – Early February.
- Shimane University spring semester: April – Early August.
School Information
- Located in Matsue, Shimane prefecture.
- Students join the Japanese Studies Program.
- Housing option: International House (single or double room).
- Shimane University Website

- Students will go to Shimane right after the UF spring semester ends and catch up with the classes for the Shimane spring semester (April – August).
- Accepts 4-5 students.
- This exchange will appeal to students who can attend UF summer term instead of fall or spring terms, or wish to pursue internships or other opportunities that might not necessarily follow the semester pattern.
- Accepts 2 students per semester; option to extend an additional semester.
- Japanese language courses + Japanese electives, all for UFGPA credit.
The study abroad program at Shimane University offers courses in Japanese language and intensive Japanese studies, all of which are taught in Japanese. Matsue is a former castle town, and is located in a very old area rich in cultural history on the Japan Sea side of Japan. This study abroad program will be ideal for those who wish to explore an area of rich cultural heritage at some distance from the major urban metropolises of Japan.
- Japanese language ability is not required, but we prefer that students study Japanese at least four semesters by arrival date.
- Minimum UF GPA of 2.5.
- Apply directly to UFIC (UFIC Shimane Study Abroad Program Page).