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The Singular Plural of Feminist Film Practice. In Feminist German Studies 38.1

Special issue co-editor: Barbara Mennel

Title: The Singular Plural of Feminist Film Practice. In Feminist German Studies38.1 (2022). (With Angelica Fenner)

This special issue responds to an extraordinary, conjunctural moment for women’s filmmaking in Germany unfolding in the early twenty-first century, one in which continuities with post-1968 feminist filmmaking have become visible and resonate within impulses of the early 2020s. Intersectional feminisms are proliferating in many film industries around the globe, including in Germany, where filmmakers are mobilizing around the enduring crises of structural racism, gender violence and sexual predation, populist xenophobia, and inequity in the workforce. The authors in this special issue argue that German cinema of this millennium remains a vital cultural force for intervening in these contestations. Their analyses retrace the many affinities that contemporary feminist filmmaking shares with the emancipatory impulses of the late 1960s, affinities that have become visible especially through the global #MeToo movement.