University of Florida Homepage

Eric Kligerman

Graduate Coordinator for German
Associate Professor of German
Ph.D., University of Michigan

Office Hours — Spring 2022

  • By appointment

Areas of Research

20th century German literature and theory, 19th and 20th-century continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, Holocaust studies, comparative literature (German, English and American), visual studies.


Eric Kligerman is an Associate Professor of German Studies at the University of Florida, where he received Teacher of the Year award in 2016. His current research, which focuses on the works of Franz Kafka, examines the intersection between quantum physics and German-Jewish intellectual thought. In addition to his Sites of the Uncanny: Paul Celan, Specularity and the Visual Arts (De Gruyter, 2007), he has published on such topics as Nazis in American popular culture, representations of German left-wing terrorism in German film and painting. His most recent publications are on the intersection between Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem and her analyses of Kafka, and another article that examines Walter Benjamin’s engagement with modern physics in his philosophy of history.

