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Study Abroad at Aoyama Gakuin University

Program Terms

  • 1 year or 1 semester (fall or spring) exchange.

School Information

  • Located in Omotesando, Tokyo.
  • Students join regular university classes.
  • Housing option: dorm. (NOTE: It is not uncommon for students to have commutes of approximately one hour to campus.)

The study abroad program at Aoyama Gakuin University is located on a beautiful campus in the heart of Tokyo. The program accepts 1-4 students annually selected by Japan Studies. Japanese language courses + (Japanese) electives, all for UFGPA credit. Must have completed at least 3 years of Japanese by arrival date. This exchange is specifically for students who have demonstrated a high degree of proficiency, typically beyond the third year of language study. Non-majors or minors are also encouraged to apply, but may have a lower possibility of acceptance. To apply, see below.

First Step

CLAS LLC Japanese Studies Application

Your first step is to apply for approval from CLAS LLC Japanese Studies program. Complete the application process below by the due date. The application must be submitted to the contact person, Prof. Risa Wada: Once approved you will proceed to apply with UFIC, then proceed to the partner school application.

Requirements and Deadlines

Application Requirements Deadlines
  • Minimum UF GPA of 3.25
  • Currently enrolled in UF’s Japanese language program
  • Letter Grade B or higher in their most recent language class
Spring program
Late September

Fall program & Academic Year program
Middle of January

Application materials

Submit the following materials to the contact person, Prof. Risa Wada:, by the due date.

Statement of Purpose

  • Which term do you want to attend this program? Why do you want to attend this program?
  • What are your future plans?
  • Please adhere to the following specifications: 2-3 pages, Typed, Double-spaced

Official transcript

  • The transcript must include the most recent term. However, please don’t wait to place the order of the transcript until the last minute. The registrar office usually takes at least 10 business days for your request to be processed and mailed.
  • Please open the envelope of the original transcript and scan it.

Two letters of recommendation

  • One recommendation must be from the student’s most recent UF Japanese language professor (the term prior to application).
  • Another recommendation from a Japan-related content (non-language) course professor if the coursework is completed, or if not in a Japan-related content course, then a professor from a different field.
  • Please ask your professors to submit their letters directly to the contact person.

All students requesting letters of recommendation must complete and provide a copy to the recommender of the UF Waiver form for letters of recommendation. This form is available at:

You will be notified of selection via email by the beginning of October for Spring departure and the beginning of February for Fall departure, after which you will be required to attend a post-selection/pre-departure information session with Prof. Risa Wada. After attending this meeting, you will be instructed to make an appointment with Dr. Christopher Smith(, the undergraduate coordinator in Japanese, to discuss what coursework you will take in Japan.

Next Steps

UFIC Application Process

If accepted, complete the UFIC application by the deadline established by UFIC

University of Florida International center (UFIC) Page

Final Steps

Partner School Application Process

Upon completion of UFIC application, complete the partner school application:

  • You must attend an information session with a UFIC Japan Study Abroad Advisor to review the application and review deadlines. The date for this session will be announced by UFIC.
  • You will be required to submit the paperwork for your host unit to UFIC by the deadline announced by UFIC. (Specific details are forthcoming to accepted students. There can be no mistakes, white-outs, or erasures on the paperwork.)

No late applications are accepted.

The partner school will provide you with specifics on your visa application once your application has been submitted and approved.